All of these documents have been endorsed by NASPAG:

  1. FIGIJ Advocacy Statement on Violence Against Women and Girls in Conflict, Humanitarian Settings, and War Situations, 2024
  2. Medical Eligibility for Criteria for Contraceptive USE (US MEC), Updated 2024
  3. Biased Science_Updated June 10, 2022
  4. U.S. Medical Eligibility Criteria for Contraceptive Use, 2016 (U.S. MEC)
  5. U.S. Selected Practice Recommendations for Contraceptive Use, 2016 (U.S. SPR).
  6. Provider Letter on 20-week abortion ban (along with AAP, ACOG, SAHM, APA, APHA and many others)
  7. Provider Letter in support of Planned Parenthood (PPFA)
  8. NASPAG endorsement, as well as ACOP and AAP, of the SAHM position statement to be published in JAH, Confidentiality Protections for Adolescents and Young Adults in the Health Care Billing and Insurance Claims Process (SAHM approved 11/16/15, ACOG and AAP approved 12/15, NASPAG approved 12/15)
  9. Endorsed ACOG position statement on "Breast and Labial Surgery in Adolescents," lead author Julie Strickland.
  10. Endorsed statement on Teen Pregnancy Prevention from National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy. 


Advocacy Websites of Interest
Advocates for Youth:
Alan Guttmacher Institute:
Annie E. Casey Foundation:
Campaign For Our Children: 
Center for Health and Health Care in Schools:
Child Trends, Inc.:
Healthy Teen Network:
Physicians for Reproductive Choice and Health: 
National Campaign to Prevent Teen Pregnancy:
National Women's Health Resource Center:
Planned Parenthood Federation of America:
Resource Center for Adolescent Pregnancy Prevention:
Sex Information and Education Council of the United States: