Special Interest GroupsSpecial Interest Groups (SIGS) are a great way for NASPAG Members to get involved in the organization, and are a great addition to a C.V. Here are the NASPAG SIGS open to new members: Adolescent MedicineThis SIG brings the Adolescent Medicine community of NASPAG together at the annual meeting, with the potential for ongoing activity and support throughout the year. We work to identify the needs of NASPAG that adolescent medicine specialists are in a unique position to address, including supporting adolescent medicine professionals who are interested in becoming more involved in the organization. We also use the forum to discuss current challenges we share in the provision of sexual and reproductive health care to adolescents and young adults, and the education of pediatric and adolescent medicine trainees on these issues. Led by Sarah Pitts and Cindy Holland-Hall. To join the Adolescent Medicine SIG, contact [email protected]. CanadianLed by Heather Millar. To join the Canadian SIG, contact [email protected]. ContraceptionThe NASPAG Contraception Special Interest Group is a multidisciplinary forum for learning about approaches to adolescent contraception care; understanding innovations in implementation, drug development, and use of contraceptives - especially as they relate to adolescents; and consideration of polices that impact adolescents access to and use of contraceptives. We are guided by the principles of reproductive justice and human rights. All are welcome to join. Led by Melissa Kottke and Elise Berlan. To join the Contraception SIG, contact [email protected]. Gender Affirming CareThe Gender Affirming Care SIG focuses on clinical and research advancements in gender-affirming care, as well as advocacy for transgender and gender nonbinary youth. This SIG is designed to be a place for NASPAG members who provide the full spectrum gender-affirming care, or who have an interest in doing so, as well as NASPAG members who identify as part of the transgender and gender nonbinary community. Fertility PreservationLed by Krista Childress, Leslie Appiah, and Holly Hoegon. To join the Fertility Preservation SIG, contact [email protected]. NursingThe purpose of the nursing SIG is to serve as group for nurses to connect and share resources and knowledge. We welcome all nurses and allied health professionals. We collaborate at the nursing SIG and outside of the national meetings. We have worked on key issues, such as producing a nursing triage book published October 2020. We work to disseminate information on guidelines, research projects, and education materials relevant to nurses and/or their patients. We offer mentorship to nurses in their role to teach, coach, individualize, and intervene in applying evidence based practice. We support systematic evaluation and dissemination of practical and actionable standardized or targeted interventions for this unique patient population that is provided by nurses. Led by Jeanette Higgins. To join the Nursing SIG, contact [email protected]. Private PracticeA question practitioners may ask is whether PAG care can exist in a private practice model or is it better to exist in an academic setting. Many of us have been practicing PAG for years in a private practice setting. We started this SIG to bring together everyone with an interest in private practice PAG. We want to reach out and be able to mentor physicians finishing residencies, PAG fellowships, and join with those already in practice who are interested in this avenue. We can learn from each other and share keys to successfully practice PAG in private practice. A PAG practice can be tailored to someone’s interests, skill set, availability of other specialists, and training. A private practitioner can also be involved with teaching medical students and residents. One suggestion- offer in office rotations. We can offer to present grand rounds at nearby hospitals. We have numerous training options now- the NASPAG website and ACRM, textbooks, other courses. The list serve is a very helpful aid to keep practitioners in touch with each other. The SIG has previously discussed topics such as above, and how to recruit patients, form and maintain relationships with local pediatricians and pediatric specialists. We have discussed how to form a network of specialists to be able to offer comprehensive care to our patients. Notifying our OB/Gyn colleagues of our interest and ability to care for young ladies is important. Creating a safe and comfortable environment in our offices is very important. Staff may need additional training to interact with PAG patients. Coding is a problem for all who practice PAG regardless of the setting. NASPAG has a committee working on this. We should have input as private practitioners. We have also discussed social media as a tool to get the word out and to help educate our patients. Led by Susan Kaufman and Diane Snyder. To join the Private Practice SIG, contact [email protected]. |