Since 1986 there have been 35 Presidents, outstanding physicians and educators in their fields: NASPAG Board of Directors History through 2025
Executive Directors
Executive Directors
Albert Altcheck, MD, Ob/Gyn, New York. Executive Board, wrote a PAG textbook entitled, Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology; Comprehensive Therapy – 1995.
The 1st annual clinical meeting of NASPAG was held at the Cleveland Clinic Foundation, in Ohio in 1987. Dr. Gidwani served as the Program Chair.
Journal of Adolescent & Pediatric Gynecology - 1988-1996
The first PAG Fellowship in the USA was started at Boston Children’s Hospital by Dr. Donald Peter Goldstein in 1983. Fellows included Drs. Odette Pinsonneault, Jacques Mailloux, Joan Wenning, Anne Davis, Karen Kozlowski, Lauren Brown, Linda Laras, Marc Laufer, Barbara Gardner and Barbara O’Connell. The Fellowship was discontinued in 1993 and was reestablished in 2018.
In the 2006 Bylaws Revision there were only 4 Committees - Publications, Program, Educational Development, and the Bylaws Committee. This current list of Committees exemplifies one of the many ways in which NASPAG has grown over the last 20 years.
NASPAG, like many other major medical organizations, has been disheartened to see limitations placed on the provision of sexual health education to our youth. Comprehensive sexuality education has been shown to better prepare young persons to make informed and healthy decision about their sexual health and sexual health behaviors. In support of the provision of unrestricted, evidence based comprehensive sexual health education to our youth, the NASPAG Advocacy Committee has released a position statement.
NASPAG’s mission is to advocate for the reproductive well-being of children and adolescents and the provision of unrestricted, unbiased, and evidence-based practice of Pediatric and Adolescent Gynecology. The Texas Senate Bill 8 undermines the ability of Pediatric and Adolescent health care providers to align with NASPAG’s mission. This bill impacts critical reproductive health care, which undoubtedly will disproportionately impact those with poorest resources and access to care. This is one of the most restrictive abortions bans in the US, making abortion illegal with no exceptions for rape, sexual abuse, incest, or fetal anomaly diagnosis.
OnTuesday, May 9th, NASPAG was one of 37 different organizations and/or individuals to speak at the Open Public Hearing session of the joint meeting of the Nonprescription Drugs Advisory Committee and the Obstetrics, Reproductive and Urologic Drugs Advisory Committee of the FDA. The Advisory Committee was assembled to review the application from HRA Pharma for a "prescription-to-OTC" switch for Norgestrel 0.075mg (Opill) as a progestin-only oral contraceptive. Speakers included several major medical societies, reproductive justice and advocacy organizations, and many youth who boldly shared their personal stories! Out of the 37 speakers, 35 spoke in strong support of the proposal.
Hello NASPAG members:
The Supreme Court’s ruling in Dobbs v. Jackson is an egregious attack on bodily autonomy, removing a pregnant person’s right to autonomous decision making over the most personal and most consequential of life decisions. While this is devastating for all persons, adolescents and young adults will suffer greatly from this decision. This ruling reversed nearly 50 years of legal precedent, issued a direct assault on reproductive justice and the public’s health, and curtailed the status of pregnant persons as free and equal citizens (as noted in the dissenting opinion). We are collectively opposed to this violation of human rights, which will be especially harmful to vulnerable and marginalized populations including adolescents and young adults. We object to any restrictions placed on the reproductive rights of adolescents and young adults. Access to safe abortion is a basic part of comprehensive reproductive health care. This ruling contradicts the broad medical and scientific consensus that abortion is a fundamental component of healthcare, abortion is safe, and abortion is a human right.
NASPAG will continue to support and advocate for comprehensive sexual and reproductive care for all. We continue to oppose legislation that interferes in the patient - health care provider relationship. Please see this ACOG Message for a summary of strategies that supports access to and provision of abortion care.
With ongoing COVID-19 surges, the need for vaccine uptake among adolescent and young adults is critical to safety and decreasing transmission. Although there is no preferred vaccine formulation, the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine is the sole formulation that received full FDA approval. Twelve to seventeen-year olds are currently only eligible to receive the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine. The FDA has also recently approved the Pfizer-BioNtech vaccine for those 5-11 years of age, and it is anticipated that other countries will approve the same in the coming weeks around the world.
Thank you for a tremendous ACRM 2023!
1941 - First textbook of Pediatric Gynecology in the US by Goodrich Shauffler